Nutrition Response Testing is a technology that obtains critical information about bodily function from the autonomic nervous system (ANS)

What is Nutrition Response Testing®?

Nutrition Response Testing is very precise and scientific.

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the root cause of ill health. It uses muscle strength testing to communicate with the body’s own innate intelligence to evaluate the body’s response to a broad variety of substances that may be affecting health and function. Through our analysis, we are testing your body’s neurological reflexes. These reflexes are the body’s way of telling us what and how the nervous system is doing. We test organs, glands, joints, muscles, etc.

The body responds to these procedures reliably and consistently. This feedback is so precise that it opens the door to a safe and lasting recovery, even in cases where everything else has failed.

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When you give your body the exact nutrients it needs, it can start to heal itself.

Nutrition Response Testing is a technology that obtains critical information about bodily function from the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Autonomic refers to something that occurs involuntarily. Bodily functions like eye blinking, heart and breathing rates, digestive metabolism, immune response, hormone regulation and so forth are regulated by the ANS. There are two controls to the ANS:

1. Sympathetic
2. Parasympathetic

Think of them as our body’s accelerator (sympathetic control) and brake (parasympathetic control) – our “go” pedal and “whoa” pedal. When our bodies are healthy and in balance, these systems function properly and are in tune with one another; the sympathetic dominates when we are active, the parasympathetic when we are resting.

These regulators are responsible for healthy functioning, including our ability to heal. It is when there is an imbalance, blockage or interference that we experience symptoms such as allergies, acid reflux, high blood pressure, chronic pain, headaches and the like. Think of these symptoms as “check engine lights” or “alarm bells.” These imbalances can be corrected safely, naturally and effectively by accessing the ANS.

Nutrition Response Testing – The 3-P Method and the 5 Stressors

The 3-P Method refers to the fact that the Nutrition Response Testing technique is Painless, Powerful and Personalized.

This empirically proven technique allows us to accurately determine what stands in the way between you and better health. In fact, Dr. Ulan’s discovery of the barriers’ to healing he called stressors ” … opened the door to the most effective, most economical, easiest-to-comply with, lowest-pill-count program ever. ” And that, says Dr. Ulan, “is the key secret to our success.”

When undergoing Nutrition Response Testing you will be tested for these five common stressors:

1. Scars
2. Food sensitivities
3. Immune challenges
4. Chemical challenges
5. Metal challenges

These stressors can and will prevent your body from healing. Many of you have experienced this already without perhaps realizing it.

Have you ever failed to respond to perfectly good treatment? Has your condition “plateaued” or gotten better and then worse?

If so, these are all indications that your body isn’t fully open to healing. Nutrition Response Testing allows the practitioner to test you using the “stressors” to reveal and then remove these barriers.

Next, specific organ reflexes are tested (such as liver, heart, and bowel) as well as glandular reflexes (like prostate, thyroid, and adrenals). Then the priority reflex is determined. This step is critical to Nutrition Response Testing because pinpointing the priority results in having to take fewer supplements, achieving a lowered pill count and a phenomenon I call “whole-body healing. ”

Have you ever just gotten temporary relief or relief of some, but not all of your symptoms? If so, then you haven’t achieved whole-body healing.

Based on this determination, we will recommend specific whole-food supplements and/or herbs as well as dietary and lifestyle changes. This is all done painlessly, with the practitioner lightly pressing on different acupuncture points or reflex locations on the body associated with specific organs or glands, while simultaneously checking a strong muscle group.

The result is a personalized health improvement program that addresses your own body’s imbalances and corrects its operation. Our goals are two-fold: achieving good health and feeling good again – safely, naturally and effectively. You are bound to get results as long as you follow your personalized program.

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Accessing the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

We use a standardized form of applied kinesiology, commonly known as muscle testing. In the hands of thoroughly trained health professionals, this highly effective method of evaluation gives the practitioner essential information about your body’s requirements for a return to health.

Book learning and clinical experience, which are the sum of theoretical and educated knowledge, can clearly help us get close to what may be required to pinpoint the solution to your health concerns. But what separates Nutrition Response Testing from most other treatment strategies is the critical information obtained from the body itself or, as we say, accessing the body’s innate intelligence in order to find the precise answers to your health concerns.

If you’re considering this method, it’s very important that you understand what Nutrition Response Testing is and appreciate how it works. Otherwise, you are less likely to follow the program and do what you need to do to get well. If you do not follow through, you will not experience the benefits you seek.

In Nutrition Response Testing we do not diagnose or treat disease.

Nutrition Response Testing – The 3-P Method and the 5 Stressors

1. Someone with one or more health conditions that have become chronic.

2. Someone who has tried conventional medicine or even alternative practitioners without seeing or feeling an improvement in their health.

3. Someone who has experienced a negative impact in their personal life, in relationships with their spouse or children, at their job, and/or in personal finances as a result of health issues.

4. Someone afraid that in time their health issues are not going to get better and will probably continue to worsen unless effective changes are made.

5. Someone diagnosed with gut issues, autoimmune disease, food sensitivities, allergies, eczema, heart conditions…any chronic illness.

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There Are Two Parts to the Program That Everyone Follows to Get Optimal Results :

Part 1 – Analysis – The Assessment of Your Body’s Current Health Status

The analysis is done by testing the body’s own neurological reflexes and certain acupuncture points. Nutrition Response Testing analyzes the different points and areas on the surface of the body that relate to the state of health and to the flow of energy in each and every organ and function of the body.

The neurological reflexes are derived from the part of the nervous system whose job it is to regulate the functions of each organ. The acupuncture points are selected from the ancient Chinese system of acupuncture, which is thousands of years old.

Each Nutrition Response Testing reflex represents a specific organ, tissue or function, and it indicates the effect that energy or lack of energy, is having upon the body. By testing these reflexes, we have a system of monitoring your body and helps us identify exactly what the body needs and how well we are meeting that need.

Part 2 – Personalized Health and Nutritional Recommendations and Supplementation

Our next step is to test specific, time-tested and proven, highest-possible quality nutritional formulas against those weak areas, to find which ones bring the reflexes back to strength.

Decades of clinical experience tell us that when we have found the correct nutritional supplements, as indicated by this procedure, and have worked out a highly personalized nutritional supplement schedule, we have identified the most important first step in correcting the underlying deficiency or imbalance that caused the reflex to be active in the first place. By following the program as precisely as possible, you are well on your way to restoring normal function and improving your health.

In Nutrition Response Testing we use Designed Clinical Nutrition to correct the cause of the problem so that the body can regain the ability to correct itself.

What is Designed Clinical Nutrition?

Designed (specially prepared, based on a specific plan)

Clinical (pertaining to the results gotten in clinical use or actual practice on huge numbers of patients over many years)

Nutrition (real food, designed by nature to enable the body to repair itself and grow healthfully).

Designed Clinical Nutrition is concentrated, whole food in a tablet, capsule, powder or liquid, prepared using a unique manufacturing process that preserves all of the active enzymes and vital components that make it work as Nature intended. These real food supplements have been designed to match the needs of the body, as determined by the positive response shown when tested against the active Nutrition Response Testing reflexes that were found on your individual Nutrition Response Testing analysis. These are nutrients you are simply not getting, or not assimilating, in your current diet.

Designed Clinical Nutrition does NOT employ Over-The-Counter vitamins. O-T-C vitamins are pharmaceutically engineered chemical fractions of vitamin structures reproduced in a laboratory. O-T-C vitamins are not “genuine replacement parts” as they lack many of the essential elements normally present in WHOLE foods.

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Where Did Nutrition Response Testing Originate?

(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 67 and 68, from the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D., L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)

Nutrition Response Testing combines knowledge of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the body’s system that controls all vital functions including metabolism (the chemical processes that occur in your body to maintain life) and repair, with the breakthroughs in applied and clinical kinesiology developed in the early 1960s. Nutrition Response Testing utilizes the most workable advancements and refinements in the field, including those of several notable medical researchers.

In this system, we do not “diagnose” or “treat” diseases. Instead, we use revolutionary tools that allow the trained practitioner to obtain a highly dependable assessment of a patient’s current health status.

Combined with an understanding of anatomy, physiology, neurology, kinesiology, and biochemistry, the assessment allows the trained practitioner to actually identify and correct the underlying causes of “dis-ease” rather than simply suppress symptoms. This is done by restoring nutritional balance which then promotes a more normal physiological function.


Through an analysis of your body’s reflexes, we help you to determine the exact nutrients you need to supplement your diet in order to bring about balance and better health. We make these highly concentrated therapeutic formulations available to you in tablets, capsules, powdered or in liquid form to “supplement” your current diet.

Depending on your individual situation, we might also require that you make some specific changes in your diet & eating habits and in your routines, in order to bring about the best possible result.

Make an appointment for your Nutrition Response Testing analysis and get started today.

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